DOCTYPE(1) DOCTYPE(1) NAME doctype - intuit command line for formatting a document SYNOPSIS doctype [ -n ] [ -T dev ] [ file ] ... DESCRIPTION Doctype examines a troff(1) input file to deduce the appro- priate text formatting command and prints it on standard output. Doctype recognizes input for troff(1), related pre- processors like eqn(1), and the ms(6) and mm macro packages. Option -n invokes nroff instead of troff. The -T option is passed to troff. EXAMPLES eval `{doctype chapter.?} | lp Typeset files named chapter.0, chapter.1, ... SOURCE /rc/bin/doctype SEE ALSO troff(1), eqn(1), tbl(1), pic(1), grap(1), ms(6), man(6) BUGS In true A.I. style, its best guesses are inspired rather than accurate. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)