PR(1) PR(1) NAME pr - print file SYNOPSIS pr [ option ... ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION Pr produces a printed listing of one or more files on its standard output. The output is separated into pages headed by a date, the name of the file or a specified header, and the page number. With no file arguments, pr prints its standard input. Options apply to all following files but may be reset between files: -n Produce n-column output. +n Begin printing with page n. -b Balance columns on last page, in case of multi-column output. -d Double space. -en Set the tab stops for input text every n spaces. -h Take the next argument as a page header (file by default). -in Replace sequences of blanks in the output by tabs, using tab stops set every n spaces. -f Use form feeds to separate pages. -ln Take the length of the page to be n lines instead of the default 66. -m Print all files simultaneously, each in one column. -nm Number the lines of each file. The numeric argument m, default 5, sets the width of the line-number field. -on Offset the left margin n character positions. -p Pad each file printed to an even number of pages, if necessary. For two-sided printers, this will ensure each file will start a new page. -sc Separate columns by the single character c instead of Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25) PR(1) PR(1) aligning them with white space. A missing c is taken to be a tab. -t Do not print the 5-line header or the 5-line trailer normally supplied for each page. -wn For multi-column output, take the width of the page to be n characters instead of the default 72. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/pr.c SEE ALSO cat(1), lp(1) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)