FORTUNE(1) FORTUNE(1) NAME fortune, theo, troll - sample lines from a file SYNOPSIS fortune [ file ] theo troll DESCRIPTION Fortune prints a one-line aphorism chosen at random. If a file is specified, the saying is taken from that file; oth- erwise it is selected from /sys/games/lib/fortunes. Troll is more specific than fortune; it specializes in inflammatory rhetoric. Theo is more specific than troll; it presents insults from OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt. FILES /sys/games/lib/fortunes /sys/games/lib/fortunes.index fast lookup table, main- tained automatically /lib/theo /lib/troll SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/fortune.c /rc/bin/theo /rc/bin/troll HISTORY Theo and troll first appeared in 9front (July, 2011). AUTHORS Some initial trolls were provided by ChrisPBS. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 2/14/25)