NEWS(1)                                                   NEWS(1)

          news - print news items

          news [ -a ] [ -n ] [ item ... ]

          When invoked without options, this simple local news service
          prints files that have appeared in /lib/news since last
          reading, most recent first, with each preceded by an appro-
          priate header.  The time of reading is recorded.  The
          options are

          -a   Print all items, regardless of currency.  The recorded
               time is not changed.

          -n   Report the names of the current items without printing
               their contents, and without changing the recorded time.

          Other arguments select particular news items.

          To post a news item, create a file in /lib/news.

          You may arrange to receive news automatically by registering
          your mail address in /sys/lib/subscribers.  A daemon mails
          recent news to all addresses on the list.

          Empty news items, and news items named core or dead.letter
          are ignored.

          /lib/news/*           articles
          $HOME/lib/newstime    modify time is time news was last read
          /sys/lib/subscribers  who gets news mailed to them


     Page 1                       Plan 9            (printed 10/22/24)