RCPU(1) RCPU(1) NAME rcpu, rimport, rexport, rconnect - connection to CPU server SYNOPSIS rcpu [ -u user ] [ -k keypattern ] [ -P patternfile ] [ -p ] [ -h host ] [ -c cmd arg ... ] rimport [ -abcCnq ] [ -s name ] [ -u user ] [ -k keypattern ] [ -p ] host tree [ mountpoint ] rexport [ -abcCnq ] [ -s remotename ] [ -m remotemtpt ] [ -u user ] [ -k keypattern ] [ -P patternfile ] [ -p ] tree host [ remotecmd arg ... ] rconnect [ -u user ] [ -k keypattern ] [ -p ] host remotescript localcommand arg ... DESCRIPTION Rcpu runs commands from rc(1) on a cpu server with the local namespace exported to the remote side under /mnt/term. The current directory, interrupt notes, standard file descrip- tors 0,1,2 and /dev/cons are passed to the remote side. The command to run can be passed with -c cmd arg ..., otherwise an interactive shell is started. The user's profile is run before the command with $service set to cpu to allow further customization of the environment (see rc(1) for more infor- mation). The cpu server can be specified with -h host, oth- erwise it defaults to the environment variable $cpu or is looked up from ndb(6). Rimport mounts a remote directory tree from a cpu server host into the local namespace at mountpoint. When mountpoint is omitted, it is set the same as tree. When the -s name option is present, the service is also posted to /srv/name allowing it to be mounted in other namespaces. Rexport is the reverse of rimport, exporting a local direc- tory tree to the server host and optionally executing remotecmd arg on the server side after posting the service to /srv/remotename or mounting it at remotemtpt. Rconnect is a helper program handling client side connection setup for the commands listed above. The rcpu protocol starts by setting up a mutual authenticated and encrypted TLS connection using tlssrv(8) followed by the client send- ing an rc(1) remotescript file to the server which gets exe- cuted under the authenticated user with file descriptors 0,1,2 cross connected to file descriptors 0,1 of the client side running localcommand over the encrypted connection. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 2/14/25) RCPU(1) RCPU(1) The common options are: -a -b -c -C -n -q Specifies the mount options (see bind(1)) for rimport and rexport. -P patternfile Restricts the set of exported files (see exportfs(4)) for rcpu and rexport. -u user Remote user id to authenticate as. -k keypattern Use keypattern to select a key to authenticate to the remote side (see auth(2)). -p Protect the connection against connection resets by establishing aan(8) tunnel. FILES /rc/bin/service/tcp17019 SOURCE /rc/bin/rcpu /rc/bin/rimport /rc/bin/rexport /rc/bin/rconnect SEE ALSO rc(1), cpu(1), con(1), import(4), exportfs(4), tlssrv(8), aan(8) Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 2/14/25)