FVERSION(2)                                           FVERSION(2)

          fversion - initialize 9P connection and negotiate version

          #include <u.h>
          #include <libc.h>

          int   fversion(int fd, int bufsize, char *version, int nversion)

          Fversion is used to initialize the 9P connection represented
          by fd and to negotiate the version of the protocol to be

          The bufsize determines the size of the I/O buffer used to
          stage 9P requests to the server, subject to the constraints
          of the server itself.  The version is a text string that
          represents the highest version level the protocol will sup-
          port.  The version will be overwritten with the negotiated,
          possibly lower, version of the protocol.  The return value
          of fversion is the length of the returned version string;
          the value of nversion is therefore not the length of the
          version string presented to the system call, but the total
          length of the buffer to accept the final result, in the man-
          ner of a read system call.

          Default values of zero for bufsize and the empty string for
          version will negotiate sensible defaults for the connection.
          If version is the empty string, nversion must still be large
          enough to receive the returned version string.

          The interpretation of the version strings is defined in

          It is rare to use fversion directly; usually the default
          negotiation performed by the kernel during mount (see
          bind(2)) or even more commonly amount (see auth(2)) is suf-


          intro(5), version(5), fauth(2).

          Sets errstr.

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