AUTH(8)                                                   AUTH(8)

          changeuser, convkeys, printnetkey, status, enable, disable,
          authsrv, guard.srv, debug, wrkey, login, newns, none, as -
          maintain or query authentication databases

          auth/changeuser [-np] user

          auth/convkeys [-pa] keyfile

          auth/printnetkey user

          auth/status user

          auth/enable user

          auth/disable user

          auth/authsrv [-N]




          auth/login [ -a authdom ] user

          auth/newns [ -ad ] [ -n namespace ] command arg ...

          auth/none [ -d ] [ -n namespace ] command arg ...

          auth/as [ -d ] [ -n namespace ] user command arg ...

          These administrative commands run only on the authentication
          server.  Changeuser manipulates an authentication database
          file system served by keyfs(4) and used by file servers.
          There are two authentication databases, one holding informa-
          tion about Plan 9 accounts and one holding SecureNet keys.
          A user need not be installed in both databases but must be
          installed in the Plan 9 database to connect to a Plan 9 ser-

          Changeuser installs or changes user in an authentication
          database.  It does not install a user on a Plan 9 file
          server; see fs(8) for that.

          Option -p installs user in the Plan 9 database.  Changeuser
          asks twice for a password for the new user. If the responses

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     AUTH(8)                                                   AUTH(8)

          do not match or the password is too easy to guess the user
          is not installed.  Changeuser also asks for an APOP secret.
          This secret is used in the APOP (RFC1939), CRAM (RFC2195),
          and Microsoft challenge/response protocols used for POP3,
          IMAP, and VPN access.

          Option -n installs user in the SecureNet database and prints
          out a key for the SecureNet box.  The key is chosen by

          If neither option -p or option -n is given, changeuser
          installs the user in the Plan 9 database.

          Changeuser prompts for biographical information such as
          email address, user name, sponsor and department number and
          appends it to the file /adm/netkeys.who or /adm/keys.who.

          Convkeys re-encrypts the key file keyfile. Re-encryption is
          performed in place.  Without the -p option convkeys uses the
          key stored in NVRAM to decrypt the file, and encrypts it
          using the new key.  By default, convkeys prompts twice for
          the new password.  The -p forces convkeys to also prompt for
          the old password.  The -a option converts the file into AES
          format.  The format of keyfile is described in keyfs(4).

          Printnetkey displays the network key as it should be entered
          into the hand-held Securenet box.

          Status is a shell script that prints out everything known
          about a user and the user's key status.

          Enable/disable are shell scripts that enable/disable both
          the Plan 9 and Netkey keys for individual users.

          Authsrv is the program, run only on the authentication
          server, that handles ticket requests on TCP port 567.  It is
          started by an incoming call to the server requesting a con-
          versation ticket; its standard input and output are the net-
          work connection.  Authsrv executes the authentication
          server's end of the appropriate protocol as described in
          authsrv(6). The -N flag disables legacy bruteforceable DES-
          encrypted tickes as used by the p9sk1 protocol, forcing the
          use of new dp9ik password authenticated key exchange.

          Guard.srv is similar.  It is called whenever a foreign (e.g.
          Unix) system wants to do a SecureNet challenge/response

        Anywhere commands
          The remaining commands need not be run on an authentication

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     AUTH(8)                                                   AUTH(8)

          Debug attempts to authenticate using each dp9ik and p9sk1
          key found in factotum and prints progress reports.

          Wrkey prompts for a machine key, host owner, and host domain
          and stores them in local non-volatile RAM.

          Login allows a user to change his authenticated id to user.
          Login sets up a new namespace from /lib/namespace, starts a
          factotum(4) under the new id and execs rc(1) under the new

          Newns sets up a new namespace from namespace (default
          /lib/namespace) and execs its arguments.  If there are no
          arguments, it execs /bin/rc.  Under -a, newns adds to the
          current namespace instead of constructing a new one.  The -d
          option enables debugging output.

          None sets up a new namespace from namespace (default
          /lib/namespace) as the user none and execs its arguments
          under the new id.  If there are no arguments, it execs
          /bin/rc.  It's an easy way to run a command as none.

          As executes command as user. Command is a single argument to
          rc, containing an arbitrary rc command.  This only works for
          the hostowner and only if `#ยค/caphash' still exists.

          /lib/ndb/auth     Speaksfor relationships and mappings for
                            RADIUS server id's.
          /adm/keys.who     List of users in the Plan 9 database.
          /adm/netkeys.who  List of users in the SecureNet database.


          passwd(1), readnvram in authsrv(2), keyfs(4), securenet(8)

          Only CPU kernels permit changing userid.

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