2A(1) 2A(1) NAME 0a, 1a, 2a, 5a, 6a, 8a, ka, qa, va - assemblers SYNOPSIS 2a [ option ... ] [ name ... ] etc. DESCRIPTION These programs assemble the named files into object files for the corresponding architectures; see 2c(1) for the cor- respondence between an architecture and the character (1, 2, etc.) that specifies it. The assemblers handle the most common C preprocessor directives and the associated command-line options -D and -I. Other options are: -o obj Place output in file obj (allowed only if there is just one input file). Default is to take the last element of the input path name, strip any trailing .s, and append .O, where O is first letter of the assembler's name. FILES The directory /sys/include is searched for include files after machine-dependent files in /$objtype/include. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/2a, etc. SEE ALSO 2c(1), 2l(1). Rob Pike, ``A manual for the Plan 9 assembler'' BUGS The list of assemblers given above is only partial, not all architectures are supported on all systems, some have been retired and some are provided by third parties. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)