DEROFF(1) DEROFF(1) NAME deroff - remove formatting requests SYNOPSIS deroff [ option ... ] file ... DESCRIPTION Deroff reads each file in sequence and removes all nroff and troff(1) requests and non-text arguments, backslash con- structions, and constructs of preprocessors such as eqn(1), pic(1), and tbl(1). Remaining text is written on the stan- dard output. Deroff follows files included by `.so' and `.nx' commands; if a file has already been included, a `.so' for that file is ignored and a `.nx' terminates execution. If no input file is given, deroff reads from standard input. The options are -w Output a word list, one `word' (string of letters, dig- its, and properly embedded ampersands and apostrophes, beginning with a letter) per line. Other characters are skipped. Otherwise, the output follows the origi- nal, with the deletions mentioned above. -_ Like -w, but consider underscores to be alphanumeric rather than punctuation. -i Ignore `.so' and `.nx' requests. -ms -mm Remove titles, attachments, etc., as well as ordinary troff constructs, from ms(6) or mm documents. -ml Same as -mm, but remove lists as well. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/deroff.c /sys/src/cmd/tex/local/delatex.c SEE ALSO troff(1), spell(1) BUGS This filter is not a complete interpreter of troff . For example, macro definitions containing `\$' cause chaos in deroff when the popular `$$' delimiters for eqn are in effect. Text inside macros is emitted at place of definition, not place of call. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)