SPELL(1) SPELL(1) NAME spell, sprog - find spelling errors SYNOPSIS spell [ options ] ... [ file ] ... aux/sprog [ options ] [ -f file ] DESCRIPTION Spell looks up words from the named files (standard input default) in a spelling list and places possible misspellings-words not sanctioned there-on the standard out- put. Spell ignores constructs of troff(1) and its standard pre- processors. It understands these options: -b Check British spelling. -v Print all words not literally in the spelling list, with derivations. -x Print on standard error, marked with `=', every stem as it is looked up in the spelling list, along with its affix classes. As a matter of policy, spell does not admit multiple spel- lings of the same word. Variants that follow general rules are preferred over those that don't, even when the unruly spelling is more common. Thus, in American usage, `mod- elled', `sizeable', and `judgment' are rejected in favor of `modeled', `sizable', and `judgement'. Agglutinated vari- ants are shunned: `crewmember' and `backyard' cede to `crew member' and `back yard' (noun) or `back-yard' (adjective). FILES /sys/lib/amspell American spelling list /sys/lib/brspell British spelling list /bin/aux/sprog The actual spelling checker. It expects one word per line on standard input, and takes the same arguments as spell. SOURCE /rc/bin/spell the script /sys/src/cmd/spell source for sprog SEE ALSO deroff(1) BUGS Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25) SPELL(1) SPELL(1) The heuristics of deroff(1) used to excise formatting infor- mation are imperfect. The spelling list's coverage is uneven; in particular biol- ogy, medicine, and chemistry, and perforce proper names, not to mention languages other than English, are covered very lightly. Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)