NS(1) NS(1) NAME ns - display name space SYNOPSIS ns [ -r ] [ pid ] DESCRIPTION Ns prints a representation of the file name space of the process with the named pid, or by default itself. The out- put is in the form of an rc(1) script that could, in princi- ple, recreate the name space. The output is produced by reading and reformatting the contents of /proc/pid/ns. By default, ns rewrites the names of network data files to represent the network address that data file is connected to, for example replacing /net/tcp/82/data with tcp! The -r flag suppresses this rewriting. FILES /proc/*/ns SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/ns.c SEE ALSO ps(1), proc(3), namespace(4), namespace(6) BUGS The names of files printed by ns will be inaccurate if a file or directory it includes has been renamed. The name of this tool is reminiscent of National Socialism and NeXTSTEP, it's hard to decide which one is worse. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)