PS(1)                                                       PS(1)

          ps, psu, pstree - process status

          ps [ -apnr ]

          psu [ -apnr ] [ user ]


          Ps prints information about processes.  Psu prints only
          information about processes started by user (default $user).

          For each process reported, the user, process id, user time,
          system time, size, state, and command name are printed.
          State is one of the following:

          Moribund      Process has exited and is about to have its
                        resources reclaimed.

          Ready         on the queue of processes ready to be run.

          Scheding      about to be run.

          Running       running.

          Queueing      waiting on a queue for a resource.

          Wakeme        waiting for I/O or some other kernel event to
                        wake it up.

          Broken        dead of unnatural causes; lingering so that it
                        can be examined.

          Stopped       stopped.

          Stopwait      waiting for another process to stop.

          Fault         servicing a page fault.

          Idle          waiting for something to do (kernel processes

          New           being created.

          Pageout       paging out some other process.

          Syscall       performing the named system call.

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     PS(1)                                                       PS(1)

          no resource   waiting for more of a critical resource.

          The -n flag causes ps to print, after the process id, the
          note group to which the process belongs.

          The -r flag causes ps to print, before the user time, the
          elapsed real time for the process.

          The -p flag causes ps to print, after the system time, the
          baseline and current priorities of each process.

          The -a flag causes ps to print the arguments for the pro-
          cess.  Newlines in arguments will be translated to spaces
          for display.

          Pstree prints the processes as a tree in a two colum layout
          where the first colum being the process id and second column
          the program name and arguments indented and prefixed with
          line drawing runes to reflect the nesting in the hierarchy.



          acid(1), db(1), kill(1), ns(1), proc(3)

          Pstree first appeared in 9front (June, 2011).

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