TAPEFS(4) TAPEFS(4) NAME 32vfs, cpiofs, tapfs, tarfs, tpfs, v6fs, v10fs, zipfs - mount archival file systems SYNOPSIS fs/32vfs [ -b blocksize ] [ -m mountpoint ] [ -p passwd ] [ -g group ] file fs/cpiofs fs/tapfs fs/tarfs fs/tpfs fs/v6fs fs/v10fs fs/zipfs DESCRIPTION These commands interpret data from traditional tape or file system formats stored in file, and mount their contents (read-only) into a Plan 9 file system. The optional -p and -g flags specify Unix-format password (respectively group) files that give the mapping between the numeric user- and group-ID numbers on the media and the strings reported by Plan 9 status inquiries. The -m flag introduces the name at which the new file system should be attached; the default is /n/tapefs. 32vfs interprets raw disk images of 32V systems, which are ca. 1978 research Unix systems for the VAX (512 byte block size, the default), and also pre-FFS Berkeley VAX systems (1KB block size). Cpiofs interprets cpio tape images. Tarfs interprets tar tape images. Tpfs interprets tp tapes from the Fifth through Seventh Edi- tion research Unix systems. Tapfs interprets tap tapes from the pre-Fifth Edition era. V6fs interprets disk images from the Fifth and Sixth edition research Unix systems (512B block size). V10fs interprets disk images from the Tenth Edition research Unix systems (4KB block size). Zipfs interprets zip archives (see gzip(1)). SOURCE These commands are constructed in a highly stereotyped way Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25) TAPEFS(4) TAPEFS(4) using the files fs.c and util.c in /sys/src/cmd/tapefs, which in turn derive substantially from ramfs(4). SEE ALSO intro(5), ramfs(4). Page 2 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)