DPIC(1)                                                   DPIC(1)

          dpic, todpic - Doom picture decoder and encoder

          dpic [ -f ] [ -p palette ] [ pic ]

          todpic [ -fw ] [ -b bgcol ] [ -p palette ] [ image ]

          Dpic reads a doom picture formatted image (default standard
          input), converts it to a Plan 9 image(6) and writes it to
          standard out.  Todpic does the opposite transformation.

          A color palette is needed for the process; its location is
          set to /mnt/wad/playpal by default.  This may be overridden
          with the -p command line option.  Both programs also accept
          an -f flag to indicate processing a doom 64x64 flat picture.

          When encoding a doom picture, x and y offsets are set to the
          input's top left corner coordinates.  The -w flag sets the
          offsets so as to center the picture when drawn by the doom
          engine, which is useful for wall patches.  The -b option
          sets the RGB24 color to signal transparent pixels,
          `0x00FFFF' by default.

          Create a patch WAD (see wadfs(4)) replacing a sky texture.
          First, create a 256x128 image, mirror it, and convert it for
          use with tweak(1).

               % png -9t tuttleglenda.png \
                    | resample -x 128 -y 128 \
                    | crop -r 0 0 256 128 \
                    | rotate -l \
                    | iconv -c m8 > tuttlesky

          Next, use tweak(1) to tile the 128x128 picture.  Then, mount
          an IWAD containing the base color palette, convert to a doom
          picture, create a patch WAD, then launch doom using it.

               % games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/doom2.wad
               createfile SW18_7: file already exists
               % games/wadfs -m /mnt/new
               % games/todpic tuttlesky > /mnt/new/rsky1
               % cp /mnt/new/WAD tuttle.wad
               % games/doom -file tuttle.wad

          Create a crude catclock weapon sprite.

               % games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/doom2.wad

     Page 1                       Plan 9             (printed 3/14/25)

     DPIC(1)                                                   DPIC(1)

               createfile SW18_7: file already exists
               % mkdir /mnt/new/s
               adding end marker S_END
               % cp /mnt/wad/s/* /mnt/new/s/
               % crop -r 0 0 114 120 -t -120 -60 catclock.bit \
                    | games/todpic -b 0xffffff > /mnt/new/s/punga0
               % games/doom -file /mnt/new/WAD


          games(1), tweak(1), wadfs(4)

          Dpic and todpic first appeared in 9front (July, 2018).

     Page 2                       Plan 9             (printed 3/14/25)