LP(1)                                                       LP(1)

          lp - printer output

          lp [ option ... ] [ file ... ]

          Lp is a generalized output printing service.  It can be used
          to queue files for printing, check a queue, or kill jobs in
          a queue.  The options are:

          -d dest
                 Select the destination printer.  If dest is `?', list
                 the currently available printers.  In the absence of
                 `-d', the destination is taken from the environment
                 variable LPDEST.  Destination `stdout' is the stan-
                 dard output.  Destination `safari' is `/dev/lpt1data'
                 line printer port on a 386 machine, assumed to be
                 connected to a PostScript printer.  Destinations
                 `hpdeskjet' and `bjc240l' are also `/dev/lpt1data'
                 but assumed to be connected to an HP Deskjet 670 or
                 Canon BJC-240.  Lp can print to any printer supported
                 by Ghostscript using syntax gs!device where device is
                 a Ghostscript output device.  See gs(1) and the
                 `canonbjc240l' entry in `/sys/lib/lp/devices'.
          -k     Kill the job(s) given as subsequent arguments,
                 instead of file names, for the given destination.
          -p proc
                 The given processor is invoked.  The default proces-
                 sor is `generic', which tries to do the right thing
                 for regular text, HTML, or troff(1) output.  If no
                 processing is desired `noproc' may be specified.
          -q     Print the queue for the given destination.  For some
                 devices, include printer status.
          -R     Stops and restarts the printer daemon.  If the
                 printer is wedged, it is often useful to cycle the
                 power on the printer before running this command.

          The remaining options may be used to affect the output at a
          given device.  These options may not be applicable to all

          -c n   Print n copies.
          -f font
                 Set the font (default `CW.11').
          -H     Suppress printing of header page.
          -i n   Select paper input tray.  n may be a number 0-9, the
                 word `man' for the manual feed slot, and/or `simplex'
                 or `duplex' to get single or double sided output.
                 Multiple input tray options may be specified if they

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     LP(1)                                                       LP(1)

                 are separated by commas.
          -l n   Set the number of lines per page to n.
          -L     Print pages in landscape mode (i.e. turned 90
          -m v   Set magnification to v.
          -n n   Print n logical pages per physical page.
          -o list
                 Print only pages whose page numbers appear in the
                 comma-separated list of numbers and ranges.  A range
                 n-m means pages n through m; a range -n means from
                 the beginning to page n; a range n- means from page n
                 to the end.
          -r     Reverse the order of page printing.
          -x v   Set the horizontal offset of the print image, mea-
                 sured in inches.
          -y v   Set the vertical offset of the print image, measured
                 in inches.

          eqn paper | troff -ms | lp -dsafari
               Typeset and print a paper containing equations.

          pr -l100 file | lp -l100 -fCW.8
               Print a file in a small font at 100 lines per page.

          lp -dstdout /dev/windows/3/window > doc.ps
               Convert an image to a postscript file.


          P. Glick, ``A Guide to the Lp Printer Spooler''.

          Not all options work with all output devices.  Any user can
          kill any job.

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