MS2HTML(1) MS2HTML(1) NAME ms2html, html2ms - convert between troff's ms macros and html SYNOPSIS ms2html [ -q ] [ -b basename ] [ -d delims ] [ -t title ] html2ms DESCRIPTION Ms2html converts the ms(6) source on standard input into HTML and prints it to standard output. If the source con- tains tbl(1) or eqn input, you must first pipe the text through those preprocessors. Postscript images, equations, and tables will be converted to gif files. If the document has a .TL entry, its contents will be used as the title; otherwise ms2html will look for a ._T macro, unknown to ms(6), and take its value. Options are: q suppresses warnings about malformed input; b sets the HTML base name to basename; d sets the eqn(1) delimiters to delim; t sets the HTML title to title. Html2ms reads HTML from standard input and converts it to ms(6) source on standard output. The document is expected to be UTF encoded so a preprocessor like uhtml(1) should be used to normalize the HTML. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/ms2html.c /sys/src/cmd/html2ms.c SEE ALSO htmlroff(1), ms(6), uhtml(1) BUGS Ms2html doesn't understand a number of troff commands. It does handle macros and defined strings. Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)