MUG(1)                                                     MUG(1)

          mug - convert an image to a face icon

          mug [ file ]

          Mug reads a Plan 9 image(6) from file (or standard input if
          there is no file) and displays a working version of the icon
          a gray ramp, and a larger image (the `crop box'), all
          derived from file. Selecting `Write' from the button-3 menu
          will write the icon in face(6) format to standard output.

          Imagine a 3x3 grid on the crop box.  You can move an edge or
          corner of the box by putting the mouse in the corresponding
          section of the grid and dragging.  Dragging in the middle
          box in the grid translates the crop box.  The mouse cursor
          changes to tell you where you are.

          The bar in the gray ramp controls the map from picture gray
          levels to the output levels.  The values along the bar are
          mapped to 0 through 255 in the output.  You can move the bar
          vertically by grabbing the midsection or adjust the width by
          grabbing an endpoint.

          The current icon is shown in the bottom left corner, sur-
          rounded by eight small empty boxes.  You can save the set-
          tings as they are by dragging the current icon into one of
          the other boxes.  You can restore the settings by dragging
          an icon from one of the periphery boxes into the middle.

          Convert a JPEG image into a face icon.

               jpg -c plus.jpg | mug >plus.1

          faces(1), jpg(1), face(6), image(6)

     Page 1                       Plan 9            (printed 10/22/24)