PAINT(1)                                                 PAINT(1)

          paint - create image files by drawing with a mouse or other
          pointing device

          paint [ file ]

          Paint displays a canvas upon which can be drawn lines using
          the mouse holding down buttons 1 or 2 for foreground or
          background color.  The canvas may be moved with button 3.
          Colors and brush sizes may be selected by clicking on the
          palette at the bottom of the screen with buttons 1 or 2.
          Clicking button 3 on the palette allows changing a color by
          entering its hex value.

          If the optional file argument is specified, then it is read
          and used as the canvas.  Paint only recognizes Plan 9 bitmap
          format (see image(6)).

          A number of immediate keyboard commands are recognized:

          u    Undos the previous action.

          c    Clears the canvas with the background color.

          1-9  Select brush size.

          f    Select flood fill brush.

          +    Doubles magnification.

          -    Halves magnification.

          esc  Centers the canvas and resets magnification.

          Hitting any other key on the keyboard shows a command prompt
          where the following commands may be entered:

               Reads the canvas from file.

               Writes the canvas to file.

               Executes command and reads the canvas from its standard


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     PAINT(1)                                                 PAINT(1)

               Executes command and writes the canvas to its standard

               Transforms the canvas by piping it thru command.

          q    Quits the program.


          resample(1), rotate(1), crop(1), jpg(1), page(1), image(6)

          Paint first appeared in 9front (October, 2011).

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