ACPI(8) ACPI(8) NAME acpi - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface SYNOPSIS (in plan9.ini) *acpi= aux/acpi [ -m mountpoint ] [ -s service ] DESCRIPTION Aux/acpi presents at mountpoint (default /mnt/acpi) an interface to the ACPI. If a service is specified, the inter- face will be posted at /srv/service as well. The directory contains the following files. battery Contains one line for each battery in the system. Each line lists 12 fields: the percent charge remaining, power unit used (mW or mA), remaining capacity, last full charge capacity, design capacity, warning and low capacity values, mV separator, present voltage, design voltage, approximate time of charge left as hh:mm:ss, and the status (a string, one of unknown, critical, discharging or charging). cputemp Each line provides a current temperature reading of a specific CPU. ctl The ctl file currently does not provide any functional- ity. SOURCE /sys/src/cmd/aux/acpi.c BUGS ACPI itself. HISTORY Acpi first appeared in 9front (October, 2016). Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/12/25)