KILL(1)                                                   KILL(1)

          kill, slay, broke, dontkill - print commands to kill

          kill name ...

          slay name ...

          broke [ user ]

          dontkill regexp

          Kill prints commands that will cause all processes called
          name and owned by the current user to be terminated.  Use
          the send command of rio(1), or pipe the output of kill into
          rc(1) to execute the commands.

          Kill suggests sending a kill note to the process; the same
          message delivered to the process's ctl file (see proc(3)) is
          a surer, if heavy handed, kill, but is necessary if the
          offending process is ignoring notes.  The slay command
          prints commands to do this.

          Broke prints commands that will cause all processes in the
          Broken state and owned by user (by default, the current
          user) to go away.  When a process dies because of an error
          caught by the system, it may linger in the Broken state to
          allow examination with a debugger.  Executing the commands
          printed by broke lets the system reclaim the resources used
          by the broken processes.

          Dontkill flags processes matching the program name regexp as
          not to be killed in the event of memory exhaustion. This is
          usually run from termrc and cpurc (see cpurc(8)) to protect
          important system processes from getting killed.


          ps(1), stop(1), notify(2), proc(3)

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