MDIR(6) MDIR(6) NAME mdir - mail directory format SYNOPSIS The mdir format is used by Upas as a replacement for tradi- tion mailbox format. An mdir mailbox is a directory con- taining any number of messages stored one message per file. Individual messages are stored in the same format they would be in a traditional mailbox; each message is a valid mailbox with a single message. The message files are named with the UNIX seconds corresponding to the date on the `From' line, a “.” separator and a two digit sequence starting with `00'. One mdir may contain other mdirs but (currently) this rela- tionship is in name only. The mail box /mail/box/a does not contain any messages from /mail/box/a/b, according to upasfs(4). SEE ALSO splitmbox(8), upasfs(4) Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/4/25)