OS(1)                                                       OS(1)

          os - interface to host OS commands (drawterm only)

          os [ -b ] [ -m mountpoint ] [ -d dir ] [ -n ] [ -N level ]
          cmd [ arg... ]

          Os uses a cmd(3) device to execute a command, cmd, on a host
          system.  If the -m option is given, os uses the device at
          mountpoint, otherwise it is assumed to be at /mnt/term/cmd.

          The -d option causes the command to run in directory dir; an
          error results and the command will not run if dir does not
          exist or is inaccessible.  The standard output and standard
          error of the command appear on the standard output and stan-
          dard error streams of the os command itself.  Os copies the
          standard input to the remote command's standard input; redi-
          rect os's input to /dev/null if there is no input to the
          command.  Os terminates when cmd does, and its exit status
          reflects the status of cmd (if available).

          If the os command is killed or exits (eg, for lack of input
          and output), the host's own process control operations are
          used to (attempt to) kill cmd, if it is still running.  The
          -b (background) option suppresses that behaviour.

          The -n option causes cmd to run with less than normal prior-
          ity (`nice').  The -N option sets low priority to a particu-
          lar level from 1 to 3.



          rcpu(1), cmd(3)

          The exit status of os reflects any error that occurs when
          starting cmd and, if it starts successfully, the status of
          os is the exit status of cmd.

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