EVE(9)                                                     EVE(9)

          eve, iseve - privileged user

          char  *eve;

          int   iseve(void)

          Eve is a null-terminated string containing the name of the
          owner of the Plan 9 system (sometimes called the `host
          owner', see cons(3)). The identity is set on a terminal to
          the name of the user who logs in.  It is set on a CPU server
          to the authid obtained either from NVRAM or by a console
          prompt.  The initial process created by system initialisa-
          tion is given the eve identity.

          Iseve returns true if the current user is eve. Several
          drivers use iseve to check the caller's identity before
          granting permission to perform certain actions.  For exam-
          ple, the console driver allows only the user eve to write a
          new identity into the /dev/user file.  The privileges are
          strictly local and do not extend into the network (in par-
          ticular, to file servers—even ones running on the local


          auth(2), cap(3), cons(3), authsrv(6), auth(8)

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