FSTYPE(1) FSTYPE(1) NAME fstype - determine file system type SYNOPSIS fstype file DESCRIPTION The file being a partition or file system image, fstype determines the type of a disk file system and prints it. If the type cannot be determined, then the error status is set. Known file systems are: 9660 ISO9660 CD-ROM (see dossrv(4)) dos FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 DOS (see dossrv(4)) paqfs compressed paqfs(4) kfs old Plan 9 disk file system fs 32-bit and fs64 64-bit dump file system (see fs(4)) cwfs 32-bit, cwfs64 64-bit and cwfs64x long file name cache worm file system (see cwfs(4)) hjfs hj file system (see hjfs(4)) SOURCE /rc/bin/fstype Page 1 Plan 9 (printed 3/14/25)